Spantec Systems started back in 1991 in Sydney NSW. Since then we’ve been a leading innovator of light structural steel beams and specialists in steel flooring systems. We’ve had many firsts along the way; we pioneered steel flooring systems in Australia and created the concept of using adjustable steel piers under sub-floors and were the first to have a light structural steel beam for home improvements.
We’re a boots and all’ kind of a company. We design flooring/roofing systems, we manufacture the components for the systems and we develop the software to make it easy for designing as well as manufacturing. Since starting with Boxspan beams, we’ve introduced other leading products into the market; Ezipier adjustable steel piers, Colorbeam architectural roof beams for home improvements, Ezibrace high capacity sub-floor bracing as well as a host of propriety brackets to simplify assembly.
Our manufacturing facility, which is largely automated, is situated near Mittagong in the beautiful Southern Highlands of NSW. We’re ideally positioned to deliver cost effective flooring and roofing systems throughout the eastern seaboard.
Decks, Floors For Pole Homes, Roof Frames, First Floors, Awnings, Verandah Beams, Re-Stumping Of Old Floors, Carports, Patios, Mezzanine Floors, Commercial Balconies, Lintels, Decks With Spa Baths, School Cola’s, Agricultural Buildings, Large Trusses, Floor And Roof Frames For Transportable Homes, Skillion Roofs, Split Level Sub-Floor Piers & Bracing, Cantilevered Decks And Balconies, Light Portal Frames, Garage Frames, Pergolas, Fish Shaped Homes, Opening Louvred Roofs, Stage Floors, Floor And Roof Frames For Remote Housing, Ground Floors With Piers And Bracing, Cathedral Ceilings, Garage Shelving Racks, Piers And Cross Bracing Supporting Single And Two Storey Homes, Kit Homes With Wrap Around Verandahs, Bus Shelter Canopies, Gazebos, Stair Landings, Granny Flats…
The map shows what suburbs, towns and cities
we’ve delivered to.
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Lot classifications: Tests conducted on site to classify the soil conditions to enable engineer’s to design the building foundations.
NATA accredited laboratory soil testing
Screw pile foundations for residential and commercial projects
Spantec are proud to be part of NASH which is the industry body and voice for the growing steel house framing market in Australia. Spantec actively participate in growing the awareness of steel house framing also with the various senior positions held by Roy Beaumont (owner/director of Spantec) over the last two decades.
This statement sets out Spantec Systems Pty Ltd actions to understand potential modern slavery risks related to its business and to put in place steps that are aimed at ensuring that there is no slavery or human trafficking in its own business and its supply chains. This statement relates to actions and activities during the financial year 1 July 2023 to 30th June 2024
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