
  • Where is Spantec located?

    17 Drapers Road, Braemar (Mittagong) NSW 2575

    Coordinates: 34.426075°S, 150.475906°E

  • Where and how can I buy Spantec Products?

    Spantec can supply direct or via our large network of distributors.

    Please see our website for our Boxspan distributor details.

  • Do you sell and deliver interstate?

    Yes, we supply to all states and territories of Australia.

  • What are Spantec’s opening hours?

    Our Office is open 8:30am -4:30pm Monday – Friday.

  • Standard Lead Times

    Standard Quote requests for product only (no design work) approximately 24 – 48 hours.

    Quotes for full Spantec Kit Systems via our Design/Estimating Department approximately 7-10 working days.

    Final Design drawings, after acceptance of Estimate quote approximately 10-15 working days.

    Production and delivery (standard galvanised coating only – does not include powder coating or HDG lead times) approximately 7-10 working days for NSW, ACT and Victoria – other States TBA.

  • What Lengths can Boxspan be manufactured to?

    The minimum length for Boxspan is 1800mm (1.8m).

    The maximum length for Boxspan is 12,000mm (12m).

  • Modern Slavery Policy

    Spantec Systems: Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement


    This statement sets out Spantec Systems Pty Ltd actions to understand potential modern slavery risks related to its business and to put in place steps that are aimed at ensuring that there is no slavery or human trafficking in its own business and its supply chains. This statement relates to actions and activities during the financial year 1 July 2023 to 30th June 2024.

    As part of the construction products and construction activity sector, we recognise that we have a responsibility to take a robust approach to managing the risk of slavery and human trafficking.

    Our organisation is absolutely committed to preventing slavery and human trafficking in its corporate activities, and to ensuring that its supply chains are free from slavery and human trafficking.

    We operate the following policies that describe our approach to the identification of modern slavery risks and steps to be taken to prevent slavery and human trafficking in its operations:

    Organisational structure and supply chains

    This statement covers the activities of the Spantec Systems Pty Ltd.

    Spantec Systems Pty Ltd consists of manufacturing, design and engineering and distribution of steel flooring systems, and associated products.
    We currently trade in the Australian market.

    Relevant policies

    We operate the following policies that describe our approach to the identification of modern slavery risks and steps to be taken to prevent slavery and human trafficking in its operations:

    Whistleblowing policy We encourage all our workers, customers and other business partners to report any concerns related to the direct activities, or the supply chains of, our organisation. This includes any circumstances that may give rise to an enhanced risk of slavery or human trafficking. Our whistleblowing procedure is designed to make it easy for workers to make disclosures, without fear of retaliation.

    Employee code of conduct Our code makes it clear to employees the actions and behaviour expected of them when representing our organisation. We strive to maintain the highest standards of employee conduct and ethical behaviour when operating and managing the supply chain.

    • Supplier/Procurement code of conduct We are committed to ensuring that our suppliers adhere to the highest standards of ethics. Suppliers are required to
    demonstrate that they provide safe working conditions where necessary, treat employees with dignity and respect, and act ethically and within the law in their use of labour. We work with suppliers to ensure that they meet the standards of the code and improve their worker’s working conditions. However, serious violations of our supplier code of conduct will lead to the termination of the business relationship. All suppliers that we classify as a mid to high risk or coming from a region that may be classified as a higher risk are required to complete documentation outlining that they abide by our modern slavery code of conduct. Spantec conducts desk top audits of our supply partners through https://modernslaveryregister.gov.au/
    • Recruitment/Agency workers policy We use only specified, reputable employment agencies in our internal human resource departments to source labour and verify the practices of any new agency that it is using before accepting workers from that agency.
    • Due diligence We undertake due diligence when considering taking on new suppliers, and regularly review our existing suppliers. Our due diligence and reviews include:
    • Mapping the supply chain broadly to assess product or geographical risks of modern slavery and human trafficking;
    • Evaluating the modern slavery and human trafficking risks of each new supplier
    • Reviewing on a regular basis all aspects of the supply chain based on the supply chain mapping;
    • Conducting supplier audits or assessments which have a greater degree of focus on slavery and human trafficking where general risks are identified;
    • Invoking sanctions against suppliers that fail to improve their performance in line with an action plan or seriously violate our supplier code of conduct, including the termination of the business relationship.


    Responsibility for putting in place and reviewing policies and the process by which they were developed is shared between the Business Systems Manager and the General Manager.

    • Risk assessments: Responsibility for putting in place the process and broad organisational responsibility for human rights and modern slavery risk analysis is shared between the Business Systems Manager and the General Manager.
    • Investigations/due diligence: Responsibility for ongoing investigations/due diligence falls under Supply & Logistics Department headed by the Business Systems Manager.
    • Training: Training has been provided for key staff where in their roles, exposure to human rights and modern slavery practices is possible. This training will be completed at a minimum of every two years.

    Performance indicators

    We have reviewed our key performance indicators (KPIs). As a result, we are:

    • Developing a system for supply chain verification, whereby we evaluate potential suppliers before they enter the supply chain; and
    • Reviewing our existing supply chains whereby we evaluate all existing suppliers.


    We require Supply Chain, HR, Sales, Marketing & Managers within our organisation to complete training on modern slavery.
    Our modern slavery training covers:

    • Our business’s purchasing practices, which influence supply chain conditions, and which should therefore be designed to prevent purchases at unrealistically low prices, the use of labour engaged on unrealistically low wages or wages below a country’s national minimum wage, or the provision of products by an unrealistic deadline;
    • How to assess the risk of slavery and human trafficking in relation to various aspects of the business, including resources and support available;
    • How to identify the signs of slavery and human trafficking;
    • What initial steps should be taken if slavery or human trafficking is suspected;
    • How to escalate potential slavery or human trafficking issues to the relevant parties within our organisation;
    • What messages, business incentives or guidance can be given to suppliers and other business partners and contractors to implement anti-slavery policies; and
    • What steps our organisation should take if suppliers or contractors do not implement anti- slavery policies in high-risk scenarios, including their removal from our supply chains.
    • Awareness-raising programme

    As well as training staff, we have raised awareness of modern slavery issues by circulating a series of emails to staff.

    The emails explain to staff:

    • The basic principles of the Modern Slavery Act;
    • How employers can identify and prevent slavery and human trafficking;
    • What employees can do to flag up potential slavery or human trafficking issues to the relevant parties within our organisation; and
    • What external help is available, for example through the Modern Slavery Helpline.

    2024 Commitment

    The below outlines the approach we committed to in 2024.

    • This year we have increased our employee understanding of Modern Slavery, assisting with identifying and addressing risks of Modern Slavery in our operations and supply chains.
    • Assessed the majority of our key suppliers based on expenditure to identify the inherent risks of Modern Slavery.
    • Review our current Modern Slavery self-assessment questionnaire to ensure effectiveness, aimed at improving completion rates and better identify potential risks of Modern Slavery.
    • Continuing to strengthen our due diligence procedures to better understand the Modern Slavery risks posed by potential new suppliers.


    Spantec continues to assess the effectiveness of its actions in comparison to industry standard and practices.

    Spantec have a range of ways on how we assess the effectiveness of its actions, including:

    • Established process to review the actions we have taken, including annual review by our Modern Slavery Working Group.
    • Internal audits of specific steps taken to assess and address modern slavery risk.
    • Working with suppliers to check how they are progressing, including any actions they have put in place to address modern slavery risks.
    Spantec Systems Pty Ltd Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement :May 2024
    Future Commitment
    Spantec remains dedicated to retaining and further strengthening practices to continuously reduce any possible slavery and human trafficking risks. Our ongoing commitment to reducing Modern Slavery will be:
    • Modern Slavery working group to continue to meet annually to review our current risk assessment process, action plans, training, future commitments and review of our Modern Slavery Statement.
    • Business Systems Manager to continue the ongoing review of our supply chain to identify any weaknesses and rectify any areas of concern.
    • Completion of Modern Slavery self-assessments by all key & minor suppliers including, ongoing engagement and consultation to identify and prevent slavery within the supply chain.
    • Review and update training module to ensure relevance and effectiveness prior to training commencement, all Modern Slavery Training to completed every 2 years.
    • Continuously review and improve current policies & processes to include specific references to Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking.


    This statement was approved on 1st May 2024 by the Management Group of Spantec Systems Pty Ltd on behalf of Spantec Systems Pty Ltd.

    Grant Irvine
    General Manager

    Signed by: 174961c4-7dd4-411b-a8ba-a5a76a83b89f

  • Payment Terms

    Spantec Systems Pty Ltd (ACN 053 584 384)


    This document should be read in conjunction with:

    • Spantec Terms and Conditions of Quotation and Sale
    • Spantec Delivery Policy
    • Spantec Returns and Refunds Policy
    • Spantec Privacy Policy

    Account Customers       

    All Quotations                                  

    Payment for all goods and services is due strictly 30 days after the end of month of invoice.

    A Purchase Order must be supplied to proceed to production on all quotes.

    Spantec Systems reserves the right to withhold further deliveries or refuse further supply of goods, should these terms not be adhered to by the customer. Furthermore, accounts will be reviewed on a regular basis to ensure they are actively trading and payments being received in accordance with our terms – Spantec Systems reserves the right to close accounts or withdraw credit if these conditions are not met.

    Purchase Orders must reference Spantec’s Quotation Number. Spantec is not responsible for matching orders with quotes if no identifier (Quotation number) is on the order.

    Purchase Orders must contain Spantec’s correct pricing or will not be accepted.

    A purchase order is required prior to Spantec manufacturing product/ packing your order. Spantec will not allocate your product to be manufactured/packed until Purchase Order is received.

    Delivery will not be scheduled until your Purchase Order is received along with the Spantec Delivery Advice Form.

    Non- Account Customers

    Designed Projects

    For all Non-Account customers, a deposit of 50% of the quoted price is required prior to proceeding to design.

    The balance, along with the Spantec Design Confirmation Sheet and the Spantec Delivery Advice Form must be received prior to production of goods.

    For all quotes under $5000.00 full payment is required prior to proceeding to Design- 50% deposit will not be accepted.

    Quotes for Materials only (no design drawings)

    Full payment must be received prior to production on all orders for materials only, deposits will not be accepted.

    Deposit payments are not accepted and cannot be made to hold quote pricing.

    Spantec will not allocate your product to be manufactured/packed until full payment is received.

    Delivery will not be scheduled until your full payment is received along with the Spantec Delivery Advice Form.

    Retention of Title                                                           

    All goods supplied by Spantec Systems and any proceeds arising therefrom shall remain the sole and absolute property of Spantec Systems as legal and equitable owner until the full price for all goods and services supplied is received by Spantec Systems.

    PAYMENT OPTIONS                                                       

    Direct Deposit (Preferred method of payment)

    Our bank details are as follows:

    BSB:                                       032099

    Account No:                       864277

    Account Name:                 Spantec Systems Pty Ltd

    Reference:                          Your Quote Number

    Please email a payment receipt for our records to accounts.AR@spantec.com.au                                                                                                                              

    Credit Card Payments   

    Spantec Systems has Visa, Mastercard and EFTPOS merchant facilities available via phone.

    PLEASE NOTE for Account customers only:

    A merchant fee of 1% will apply for all payments by Visa or Mastercard credit/debit cards.

    Payment by Cheque will not be accepted.

  • Returns and Refunds Policy

    Spantec Systems Pty Ltd (ACN 053 584 384)


    This document should be read in conjunction with:

    • Spantec Terms and Conditions of Quotation and Sale
    • Spantec Terms of Payment
    • Spantec Delivery Policy
    • Spantec Privacy Policy

    Designed Projects- Floor, Deck and Roof Systems

    All floor and deck frames and their associated system components are custom made and assembled to suit each order/design specifically and are therefore not regular stock lines.

    Spantec requires a deposit/ purchase order to be paid/received prior to Design/Working Drawings and engineering being completed. If due to unavoidable circumstances your project does not proceed after the completion of working drawings Spantec will negotiate a refund with you. Spantec’s Design time as well as any external party costs are non-refundable.

    Please check all order details carefully prior to placing your order with Spantec as we cannot accept returns or provide refunds for any part of the floor frame system, once it has been manufactured.

    Orders for Materials Only (no design drawings)

    Unless otherwise stated within this Policy, Spantec will accept the return of regular stock lines for a refund or credit under the following conditions:

    Important Note: Some products including custom made products, products cut to size, Non-Standard powder coated product and clearance items are exceptions and refunds/credits will not be given.

    • Proof of purchase must be supplied.
    • Goods are returned in their original condition within 30 days from the date of purchase, delivery, or pick-up.
    • If parts are found, upon inspection unacceptable for re-sale (not in Original condition) by Spantec a credit will not be offered. You may choose to have the materials returned to you, additional delivery fees will apply.
    • Original condition is defined as the condition in which the goods were sold. Where applicable, any packaging must be clean, undamaged, unopened and in a saleable condition.
    • A restocking fee (25% of total order or $100 whichever is higher) will be deducted from all refunds/credits for returned goods.
    • Where pick up from site is required, a pick-up fee will also be deducted from the refund/credit.

    All Orders

    We will replace and redeliver any part or parts of the order found to be faulty, damaged or incorrect.

    Any claim for fault or discrepancy needs to be reported to Spantec in writing within 48 hours after delivery of the goods.

    Please include digital photos or other clear evidence to help Spantec investigate, verify and rectify if necessary.



  • Delivery Policy

    Spantec Systems Pty Ltd (ACN 053 584 384)


    This document should be read in conjunction with:

    • Spantec Terms and Conditions of Quotation and Sale
    • Spantec Terms of Payment
    • Spantec Returns and Refunds Policy
    • Spantec Privacy Policy


    This policy is to assist in keeping Spantec’s customers, sub-contractors and employees safe from injury, as well as ensuring safe access to site.

    This policy is to be read in-conjunction with the Spantec Delivery Advice Form.

    Spantec will endeavor to ensure:

    • The national transport commissions “load restraint guide 2018” will be followed by all contracted drivers for Spantec.
    • The driver is fit for duty.
    • Any damage (to the product) from packing, loading, transport or unloading of materials will be Spantec’s responsibility.
    • Any damage will be noted on delivery and returned to Spantec’s yard.

    Note: it is suggested the customer be onsite to for delivery to accept goods, and check materials for any damage personally.

    All orders are packed by Spantec to best suit available transport. Spantec cannot accommodate special packing instructions or individual site requirements. Transport is only organized once product has been scheduled for production. Spantec will not arrange transport prior to confirmation of payment/purchase order. All transport is based on availability at the time of scheduling.

    Our drivers will take photos of the site if there are any problems with access which causes a failed delivery.

    Any damage noted by the customer is to be clearly marked on the delivery docket and signed by both the customer and driver.

    The customer has a maximum of 48 hours after delivery to notify Spantec of any damages. A photo of the damaged material and a clear description are to be sent to Spantec for further evaluation.

    It is the responsibility of the owner or builder to confirm appropriate access to site and to inform Spantec of any special road or delivery restrictions on signing of the contract. Special road restrictions require the customer to organize a suitable delivery option. Refer to the Spantec Delivery Advice Form for details concerning the required information.

    In residential sites the material will be craned off the truck and placed within reach of the truck. If this means the product is left on the curb, it is the customers responsibility to install a temporary barrier/fence to prevent injury to the public and/or theft, all according to local council rules and requirements.

    Under no circumstances will Spantec’s drivers hand unload product. It is the customers responsibility to unload product that is delivered without use of a crane truck.

    Spantec will not delivery to any site that requires access via a barge or similar. If access is via barge Spantec will deliver to the dock only.

    In all weather situations, especially wet conditions it is up to the driver to decide whether access is possible without causing property/truck damage, without getting bogged.

    If the truck gets bogged on customers advice to enter the property, towing charges, truck hire and any damage to property/truck,   will be at the customers expense. Refer to Spantec Delivery Advice Form showing customer signature.

    It is the customer’s responsibility to sign for delivered material. If at the time of delivery no one is in attendance, the materials will be deposited and the customer will remain responsible for all goods.

    Where the customer does not sign or is not available to sign the delivery docket, the signature of the driver on the delivery docket shall be prima facie evidence of delivery to the customer of the products and quantities described on the delivery docket.

    If the truck is turned away due to conditions outside of Spantec’s control or problems with site access, then the delivery fee will be re-charged to the customer. Payment for the re-delivery must be received before materials will be re-delivered to site.

    DELIVERY INFORMATION                                                                 

    DELIVERY TIMES: Spantec anticipates delivery to occur between the hours of 7am and 5pm Monday to Friday. The delivery date will be scheduled in advance by a Spantec Production Administrator. On the delivery date the driver will make contact on approach to the site, most often when one to two hours away.

    UNATTENDED SITES: In the event of an unattended site the driver will endeavor to unload as close to the site as possible. In these instances, no responsibility will be taken by Spantec for damage to product nor claims for pilfering part or all of the delivery made. If product must be returned to Spantec redelivery fees will apply.

    SITE ACCESS: It is the responsibility of the customer to alert the Spantec Production Administrator of any special requirements or site access difficulties. Failure to do so may result in an unsuccessful delivery and additional delivery fees.


    OVERHEAD POWER LINES: It is the responsibility of the customer to inform Spantec about the location of overhead power lines. The proximity of any overhead powerlines to any vehicle unloading is heavily regulated. If overhead power lines are going to affect the safe and successful unloading of product, the customer must provide another option to Spantec at the time of contract sign off or order placement.  If the product requires hand unloading, it is the responsibility of the customer to provide adequate labor to complete this task.

    If upon arrival to site the driver assess a problem with overhead powerlines, the driver will seek a suitable secondary option through working with the customer. If no option is agreed upon then the products will be returned to Spantec for future delivery, additional delivery fees will apply.


    CLEARWAYS AND OTHER SPECIAL ROAD RESTRICTIONS: It is the responsibility of the customer to inform Spantec of any special road restrictions in the delivery area. The customer also has the responsibility to provide an alternative delivery option that is in-line with the local council and government requirements.

    If upon arrival, the driver determines they will be in breach of any restrictions (e.g.; A clearway is in place) they will refuse delivery in that location. If a suitable secondary option is not achieved through working with the customer, then the products will be returned to Spantec for future delivery, additional delivery fees will apply.                                                                                                                                                                          

    WORKCOVER RESTRICTIONS: Customers should be aware that under Workcover legislation there are restrictions governing the ability of drivers to load/unload from heavy vehicles. Please note, Hi-Ab unloads are from the trailer to the ground. It is unsafe for Hi-Ab’s to be used to load product onto buildings. If upon arrival, the site is considered unsafe for the delivery vehicle, the driver will inform both Spantec and the customer (where possible) for alternative arrangements to be made. If the delivery was unsuccessful due to site issues through no fault of Spantec, additional delivery fees will apply.

    PRODUCT RETURN: Product that has been manufactured or purchased specifically to your requirements CANNOT be returned. Refer to Spantec Returns and Refunds Policy.


    Important links:


    Heavy vehicle loading rules:


    Overhead power lines – Codes of practice



    Note: Spantec Site Delivery Advice Form MUST be signed and returned prior to Spantec delivering your project/ goods. By signing and returning the Spantec Site Delivery Advice Form you acknowledge that you have read and understood the above document.


Quotes & Orders

  • How do I get a quote for my project?

    To receive a quote please contact us via our office line: 02 4860 1000 or send us your details along with what you require via email to sales@spantec.com.au.


  • Do I have to pay to get a quote for a floor design?

    Quotes are provided free of charge.

    Spantec offers 1 free quote for design/estimate projects using our Design/estimating team. Requests for multiple re-quotes or re-designs may incur a fee.

  • Can I order individual beams as well as flooring systems?

    Yes. If you know what you need you can order stick lengths of Boxspan.

  • Do you install?

    Spantec does not offer installation.

    However, we have designed our systems so that they can be installed by anyone – from the first time owner-builder to the experienced tradesperson.

  • How do I pay for my order?

    For ‘Cash’ customers, Spantec accepts credit card and direct deposit payment.

    Full payment must be received prior to Spantec manufacturing and delivering your order.

    For ‘Account’ customers, Spantec requires a purchase order to proceed with your order.


Boxspan Beams

  • What can Boxspan be used for?

    Boxspan can be used in most applications as an alternative to timber.

    The most common uses are:

    • Floor joists and Bearers for sub-floors and deck frames in both residential and commercial projects.


    Boxspan can also be used for:

    • Roof Rafters and Roof purlins
    • long span wall studs
    • long span façade members
    • Architectural beams for carports, pergolas and awnings.
  • What material is Boxspan made from?

    Spantec manufactures our Boxspan beams from Bluescope ZINC HI-TEN G550 Z450 coil.

    Bluescope ZINC HI-TEN is manufactured at Bluescopes Port Kembla manufacturing site which is a certified Responsible Steel site.

    Boxspan’s Z450 coated coil is the highest standard coating in the market and complies with NASH standards and corrosive zones to C4.

  • What is the weight of Boxspan beams?

    Per lineal metre the beams weigh:

    • B100-12 = 2.2 Kg/m
    • B100-16 = 2.89 Kg/m
    • B150-16 =  3.62 Kg/m
    • B150-20 =  4.42 Kg/m
    • B200-16 =  4.25 Kg/m
    • B200-20 = 5.26 Kg/m
    • B250-20 =  6.11 Kg/m
  • What sizes is Boxspan available in?

    Boxspan beams come in the following sizes (Height x Width):

    • 100 x 50 1.2 (0.6 BMT)
    • 100 x 50 1.6 (0.8 BMT)
    • 150 x 50 1.6 (0.8 BMT)
    • 150 x 50 2.0 (1.0 BMT)
    • 200 x 50 1.6 (0.8 BMT)
    • 200 x 50 2.0 (1.0 BMT)
    • 250 x 50 2.0 (1.0 BMT)

    BMT = 0.6, 0.8, 1.0mm in the vertical webs with double thickness in the flanges for improved bending and shear properties.


Ezipier & Ezibrace

  • What can Ezipier be used for?

    Ezipier steel pier heads can be used in conjunction with Spantec’s Boxspan Bearers and Joists.

    These products can be purchased as stand alone items or in a part of a Spantec floor design.

    Ezipier timber pier heads can be used with timber bearer and joists.

    Ezipier Flat Top pier heads can be used to support other products such as transportable and modular homes.

  • What SHS can be used with Ezipier?

    Ezipier comes in two sizes:

    • 90mm – to be used with 90mm x 90mm x 2mm SHS
    • 89mm – to be used with 89mm x 89mm x 3.5mm SHS

    Spantec can provide SHS posts in 4m or 8m lengths.

    Spantec sells SHS pre coated in ZB135/135.

    Spantec can provide additional HDG coating on SHS to AS/NZS 4680.

  • How much adjustability can I get with Ezipier?

    Pier total adjustment = 70 mm

    Lowest position = 40 mm

    Mid Point = 75 mm

    Highest position = 110 mm

  • Who designs pier layouts?

    Your pier layout and number of piers required will be determined by your project parameters which will take into account the maximum span of the bearers and joists.

    Bearer and Joist spans are based on the product you are using for your bearers and joists.

    Spantec will design your pier layout if we are providing a design for your project. This is the most efficient way to design your project as we will take all aspects of the project into consideration and provide the bearer, joist and pier layouts.

  • Who designs bracing for piers?

    Bracing design must be completed by an engineer.

    Spantec can offer bracing design and certification on design projects.

    Spantec does not offer bracing design if materials are being purchased without Spantec design –  this would need to be done by your own engineer.

  • Does the Ezipier system require ant capping?

    EziPier satisfies the NCC’s requirements for a termite inspection point, therefore additional ant capping is not required.

    40mm of threaded rod must be visible to comply.

    Note that ant caps are not a termite barrier, they are an inspection point.

  • What is the height limit for Ezipier?

    Ezipier can generally be designed to 6m high.

    This needs to be assessed on a project by project basis. If Spantec is providing a design we can help with determining what is required.


Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Contact us 



  • What is included in Spantec Design Kits?

    As standard Spantec supplies the following with your design kit:

    • Full set of working drawings – custom designed for your site and project requirements.
    • Bearers and joists cut to length and labelled.
    • All brackets required to assemble the frame.
    • All screws required to assemble the frame.
    • Spantec Ezipiers – Adjustable heads, base plates, SHS and tru-bolts.
    • Engineering certification can be provided for sub-floor items such as bracing and footings.
  • Can you help me with the design?

    Spantec does not provide design assistance at concept stage.

    We require architectural plans to determine our frame layout.

    Upon receipt of your architectural plans we can help design the most effective frame layout for your project.

  • What does “Not for Construction” mean on drawings?

    The notation “Not for construction” on drawings means that they are not the final drawings and therefore should not be used to determine measurements for construction.



  • What tools do I need to install Boxspan and Ezipier?

    Boxspan comes manufactured to your specified length so little to no cutting should be required on site.

    • tek gun (or power drill),
    • level
    • measuring tape

    SHS comes in standard lengths therefore will require cutting to the required height.

    Spantec recommends the Makita 4131 cold cutting metal circular saw for all steel cutting required on site. This tool leaves a burr free cut.

    Other cutting tools may be used such as drop saws or angle grinders with the correct metal cutting disc.


  • How do I fix Decking boards to Boxspan?

    Timber decking boards must be fixed with an appropriate wing tek screw. Size/gauge would be determined by your decking material’s fixing requirements.

    Composite decking boards would be fixed with fixings as supplied or recommended by the composite board manufacturer.

  • How do I fix particleboard sheeting to Boxspan?

    Spantec recommends sheeting be glued and then screwed down.

    Fixing should be done with wing tip steel threaded screws, and then glued with Maxbond, Sikabond, Liquid Nails or an equivalent.

    Sheets may be nailed with 2.5mm hardened twist nails, this form of nailing requires around 100psi -note this is not Spantec’s recommended method.

  • How do I fix tongue and groove (T&G) flooring to Boxspan?.

    The best way to fix T&G flooring to Boxspan is to fix particleboard down first and then glue and nail the T&G boards to the particleboard.

    The reason for this form of fixing is that the nails and screws used to fix to Boxspan have quite large heads.

    This method is now often used even when fixing to timber joists because of the following benefits:

    • Fewer joists as you do not need to put double joists under each parallel wall.
    • Construction is easier as floor is in place over joists.
    • Less T&G used, as boards can be end matched (they do not have to start and finish on a joist).
    • Considerably better sound and heat insulation.
    • T&G much less affected by changes in moisture under the house, which can cause serious damage to T&G floors.
  • How low can a floor be to the ground?

    NCC requires min. 400mm clearance where termite inspection is required. On sloping sites min. ground clearance may be less if inspection is still able to be completed.

    Refer to NCC or your builder in all instances.

  • Do you have installation guides?

    Spantec provides full working drawings in all instances where we design your project for you (flooring system kit).

    There are also a number of “How To” videos on our Youtube channel to help with your build.

    If unsure Spantec recommends the use of a qualified builder or tradesperson.




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